How Unconventional Thinking Leads to Extraordinary Business Analytics
With recurring regularity, companies go through the ritual of asking the management team to come up with the next big thing (a.k.a. “The Next Generation”). These very words are used to conjure up the idea that by applying the same thought process [...]
The Power of One – How ASI gives Commercial Operations the Ability to Accelerate Market Penetration
ASI’s platform for Commercial Operations is a prime example of The Engineer’s Curse, which states that the closer you come to perfection, the easier it looks. Many don’t appreciate the magnitude of the technology behind the ASI platform, because there is no [...]
Last month, we took a whirlwind tour through the various stages of Analytical Platform Evolution in the Life Sciences industry. This month we are taking a deeper dive into the new jewel of analytics – prescriptive analytics. As previously described, and shown [...]
Evolution of Analytics: Where does your company stand?
We love this slide. It shows as a Life Science industry where we have been, where we are and where we need to go in terms of our analytics capability. Unfortunately, most companies aren’t as far along the curve as they may [...]